Washington Doh Physician Assistant Delegation Agreement

Washington DOH Physician Assistant Delegation Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

The healthcare industry has evolved over the years, and one of the major changes has been the inclusion of Physician Assistants (PA) as part of the healthcare team. To ensure that PAs are working within their scope of practice, there are certain requirements that must be met. One of these requirements is the Physician Assistant Delegation Agreement.

What is the Washington DOH Physician Assistant Delegation Agreement?

Washington State has a well-established process in place to ensure that PAs are practicing within their scope of practice and can provide safe care to their patients. The Department of Health (DOH) requires that PAs work with a supervising physician and that a delegation agreement is in place to clearly outline the roles and responsibilities of the PA and the supervising physician.

The delegation agreement is a legal document that outlines the specific duties and functions that the PA is authorized to perform under the supervision of a licensed physician. This agreement must be reviewed and signed by both the PA and the supervising physician and kept on file at the healthcare facility where the PA works.

Why is the Physician Assistant Delegation Agreement important?

Ensuring that there is a delegation agreement in place is crucial to maintaining a high standard of care and promoting patient safety. The agreement clearly outlines the limits of the PA`s practice and ensures that they are not exceeding their training or capabilities.

Additionally, having a delegation agreement in place protects the supervising physician from liability for any actions or decisions made by the PA that fall outside of their scope of practice. Moreover, it also gives the PA clarity on what tasks they are authorized to perform, which helps to bolster their confidence in their role.

What should be included in the Physician Assistant Delegation Agreement?

The delegation agreement should be comprehensive and cover all the necessary tasks that the PA is authorized to perform. These tasks should be within the PA`s scope of practice and should not exceed their level of training.

Other important elements that must be covered in the agreement include:

1. Contact information of the PA and supervising physician.

2. A clear statement of the PA`s scope of practice and the responsibilities they are authorized to perform.

3. A description of the supervising physician`s role in overseeing the PA`s work.

4. A plan for reviewing the PA`s work and assessing their performance.

5. Details on how the agreement can be amended if necessary.

6. Signatures of both the PA and supervising physician.

In conclusion, the Physician Assistant Delegation Agreement is an essential document in ensuring that PAs are practicing within their scope of practice and delivering safe care to their patients. Healthcare facilities and providers must prioritize the creation and maintenance of these agreements to maintain a high standard of care. If you`re a PA practicing in Washington State, it is crucial that you familiarize yourself with the delegation agreement and ensure that it is in place before beginning your practice.

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